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Membership registraion guide

Membership is free, and you can use this site as soon as registering members.
Sign up for membership and payment purchase reserve, will benefit from a wide range of members, including discounts, coupon payments.
You can also order quickly and conveniently without the need to enter the destination each time the order is placed.

Order and Payment

Walled letting the item to the shopping cart can also buy several at a time and can be ordered for each option.
Payment can order the product in a variety of ways, including credit card, bank transfer, Bank transfer.

Purchasing Benefits

If you have to buy depending on the purchase amount of money I would like to pay the reserve fund, and an additional discount.

Shipping Guide

Shipping will be sent through the CJ대한통운 courier delivery within 2-3 days. In addition, delivery location can be tracked in my page.

Refunds and Returns

You are possible settlement cancellation before shipping the goods, within the delivery is complete after five days, you can also refund if you bear the carriage of the round trip.
After an application for refund, if you send the article to "07937 서울특별시 양천구 국회대로 238 102호", has a refund after the receipt of the goods.

Other Guide

If you have any other questions, 1:1 questions board will guide us your inquiry.

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